FDA bans sale on antibacterial washes...
The FDA issued a final ruling on antibacterial hand soap and body wash. We’ve been expecting this one. No benefits have been proven for the use of antibacterial products vs. soap and water hand washing, and the ruling bans OTC (Over The Counter) consumer sales for all antiseptic wash products that are used with water, and contain antibacterial active ingredients. It does not apply to wipes, or hand sanitizers. Triclosan and Triclocarban are 2 big of the big ones, and Triclosan is under review, by the EPA and FDA. Antibacterial soaps used in health care settings (hospitals and nursing homes) are exempt.
Now does that make sense???
Here’s a link to the specifics: http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm378393.htm