
Anti Aging News

  • More microbead bans on the horizon?
  • Author avatar
    Amy Merwin

More microbead bans on the horizon?

More microbead bans on the horizon? 2014 saw the first state, Illinois, to ban microbeads in personal care products. 7 other states followed, NJ, Wisconsin, Indiana, Connecticut, Maine, California, Colorado and the expected addition of New York.

Microbeads can be anything from particle abrasives in exfoliants, soaps, and toothpaste, to polymers in sunscreen products. Usually under 3 mm in size, they can be eaten by marine life and also act as a sponge for chemicals that are present in the water.

They are wreaking havoc with waterways and have been banned as toxic substances by Canada, and recently CIDESCO (Comite International d’Esthetique et de Cosmetologie) has called for its global centers to use natural alternatives to microbeads.

Epidermx II contains natural corundum crystal. NaturDerm products do not contain microbeads.





  • Author avatar
    Amy Merwin